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Visiting Hours & Guidelines

Visitation Guidelines

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Butler Memorial Hospital

Current visitation guidelines for Butler Memorial Hospital inpatients and hospital outpatient services

General Visiting Hours

Monday - Saturday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sunday (and Holidays): 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Two visitors at a time.

Procedural Areas

All procedural areas are permitted two visitors that may accompany the patient.

Intensive Care Unit Visiting Hours

Two visitors between 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
No children under the age of 14.

Emergency Department

One visitor may accompany the patient

3M Maternity and Post-Partum Visiting Hours

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

  • We will permit one (1) to two (2) persons in the labor room until delivery. They must be the same two people.
  • Visitors may wait in the waiting room.
  • Two visitors are permitted between 11am - 1pm and 4pm - 7pm on the postpartum unit.
  • The support person continues to stay overnight with the patient if desired.
  • Siblings are permitted to visit during visiting hours only. All other visitors must be 18 years or older.
  • Each suspected/confirmed COVID-19 laboring patient will be evaluated on an individual basis by the OB physician in collaboration with the pediatric physician to determine if it is appropriate to have a person attend the delivery.
    • This person will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 and COVID-19 testing may be offered to the support/representative person.
    • This person will be required to wear gown, gloves and mask while in the room with the patient.

Special Care Nursery

  • The birthing parent and support person may visit during all hours.
  • Two visitors apart from the birthing parent and support person may visit during visiting hours(outlined in maternity section above). The two visitors will be the same two people during the newborn’s time in special care.

3 Tower Surgical

One visitor may accompany the patient.

Ambulatory Patients - Outpatient Services

One person may accompany the patient.

Behavioral Health

  • Visitors to Behavioral Health must receive approval prior to entering the unit.
  • Visitation restrictions to Behavioral Health areas must be documented in the patient record by the physician or designee.
  • All patient belongings/packages/gifts brought to Behavioral Health areas MUST be inspected by staff prior to the contents being given to the patient. All items will be listed on a "patient belongings list", including clothing and valuables. Items considered to be contraband will be disposed of and valuables will be documented and locked in the hospital safe or sent home with the visitor.
  • All visitors must secure their belongings in lockers provided outside of the unit before entering. The visitor will retain the locker key and place it in the key box when they are finished retrieving their belongings.
  • Children must be age 14 or older to visit on 3N and 3S. No age restriction for 5S on Sundays. Age restriction for 5S Family Day is over 12.
  • Patients are permitted two visitors at the same time for 3S and 3N. No restrictions on 5S.
    • Adult Psychiatric Unit Visitation Hours: Weekdays 6 p.m. – 7 p.m., Weekends 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Geriatric Psychiatric Unit Visitation Hours: Daily 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Drug and Alcohol Unit Visitation Hours: Fridays after Family Therapy if the visitor attends the Family Therapy group sessions with the patient.
    • Friday visitation is until 4 pm. Sundays 1pm – 4 pm.

Visitors for Suspected/Confirmed COVID/Quarantined Patients

  • During visiting hours Infection Control will review and approve, when appropriate, routine visitation for suspected/confirmed/quarantined patients.
  • Approval will be based upon the visitor not being in isolation for COVID-19 infection, day 11 or after from a positive test or the visitor being asymptomatic and not having had contact with COVID patient within past 10 days.
  • All visitors to Suspected/Confirmed Covid/Quarantined patients and Patient Representatives must sign a waiver prior to visitation.
  • Visitors must coordinate time of their visit with healthcare providers on patient's floor.
    • Household contacts of the patient must be outside their own quarantine window (10 days after their last exposure to any known COVID-19 case, including the hospitalized patient) and without symptoms.
  • Visits within a patient's room.
    • Visitors will be provided PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) which includes a gown, gloves, eye protection, and a face mask (an N95 mask preferred).
    • It is recommended that visitors should remain 6 feet away from the patient.
    • Visitors are not permitted to visit during aerosol-generating procedures.
    • Visitors will wash their hands immediately after removing PPE.
  • Visitors may choose to visit from outside the patient's room instead. Visitors may view the patient through the glass window or doors. Doors must remain closed. Visitors may call the patient from the phone outside the room. Visitors standing outside of the COVID-19 patient's room will be limited to 15 minutes.
  • If infection control has not previously approved routine visitation for a suspected/confirmed Covid/Quarantined patient and the patient is at End of Life the following requirement must be met to allow visitation:
    • Comfort Measures Only (CMO) Order; or End-of-Life Visitation Order (may be placed by any provider caring for patient)
    • Visitor must sign the Informed Consent and Release for Visitors of Covid-19 prior to visitation.

Butler Memorial Hospital Entrance Hours

Tower Entrance
  • Monday - Friday: 5 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  • Saturday: 6 a.m. –7 p.m.
  • Sunday (and Holidays): 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Brady Entrance
  • Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  • Closed Saturday and Sunday (and Holidays) – Use Tower Entrance

Clarion Hospital

Current visitation guidelines for Clarion Hospital inpatients and hospital outpatient services

General Visiting Hours

11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Two visitors at a time.

Intensive Care Unit Visiting Hours

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Two visitors at a time and no children under the age of 14.

Visitors for Suspected/Confirmed COVID/Quarantined Patients

  • During visiting hours Infection Control will review and approve, when appropriate, routine visitation for suspected/confirmed/quarantined patients.
  • Approval will be based upon the visitor not being in isolation for COVID-19 infection, day 11 or after from a positive test or the visitor being asymptomatic and not having had contact with COVID patient within past 10 days.
  • All visitors to Suspected/Confirmed Covid/Quarantined patients and Patient Representatives must sign a waiver prior to visitation.
  • Visitors must coordinate time of their visit with healthcare providers on patient's floor.
    • Household contacts of the patient must be outside their own quarantine window (10 days after their last exposure to any known COVID-19 case, including the hospitalized patient) and without symptoms.
  • Visits within a patient's room.
    • Visitors will be provided PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) which includes a gown, gloves, eye protection, and a face mask (an N95 mask preferred).
    • It is recommended that visitors should remain 6 feet away from the patient.
    • Visitors are not permitted to visit during aerosol-generating procedures.
    • Visitors will wash their hands immediately after removing PPE.
  • Visitors may choose to visit from outside the patient's room instead. Visitors may view the patient through the glass window or doors. Doors must remain closed. Visitors may call the patient from the phone outside the room. Visitors standing outside of the COVID-19 patient's room will be limited to 15 minutes.
  • If infection control has not previously approved routine visitation for a suspected/confirmed Covid/Quarantined patient and the patient is at End of Life the following requirement must be met to allow visitation:
    • Comfort Measures Only (CMO) Order; or End-of-Life Visitation Order (may be placed by any provider caring for patient)
    • Visitor must sign the Informed Consent and Release for Visitors of Covid-19 prior to visitation.

Clarion Hospital Entrance Hours

Main Lobby Entrance
  • Monday through Friday: 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Saturday: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Sunday (and Holidays): 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Emergency Department

Two visitors may accompany the patient.

Inpatient Rehab and

Frick, Latrobe and Westmoreland Hospitals

General Visitor Information:

  • Visiting hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on in-patient nursing units, 7 days per week.
  • All visitors/support persons must be 12 years of age or older.
  • Patients who are eligible for visitors may receive two individual visitor/support persons at a time.
  • OB laboring patients may have one individual visitor and one support person. During delivery only the support person is permitted.
  • OB patients (post-partum) can have one support person and two visitors at one time during visiting hours. Sibling visitation hours are from noon to 7 p.m. Age restrictions have been lifted for siblings. One support person must accompany the sibling(s). Registration is required. The support person and sibling(s) should report to the Main Lobby desk at Westmoreland Hospital to complete registration and sign in.
  • Visitors/support persons may be asked to wear a mask. Review the Independence Health System Mask Policy here.
  • All visitors/support persons must be registered at specified entry points. Entry points include the main lobbies of Frick and Latrobe hospitals, the main lobby, Heart Center.
  • One support person may be permitted at discharge, even if outside the 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. timeframe.
  • Visitors/support persons who have a fever, cough, or other signs of illness, should not enter the hospital.
  • Visitors/support persons who have had a recent exposure to, or live with, a person who is COVID positive should not enter the hospital.
  • All registered visitors/support persons will receive a visitor pass that should be returned upon exiting the building.
  • Department/Unit staff have the discretion to limit the duration of visits based on clinical considerations.
  • Visitors/support persons should stay in the patient's room or treatment area while visiting or providing support. The cafeterias are open for use as well.


  • Exceptions may be made, at the discretion of the department staff in the following compassionate care considerations:
    • Patients who are at the end of life or experiencing critical clinical situations may have additional visitors, at the discretion of unit staff.
    • Special privileges may be granted to an attendant, caregiver or family member of a patient who has an intellectual, developmental, or cognitive disability; communication barrier; or behavioral concerns.


  • Clergy while considered visitors, may enter hospitals outside of visitation hours. Clergy will adhere to COVID-19 guidelines, with the understanding that Catholic priests who customarily round on multiple patients could potentially overlap with other registered visitors.

COVID-19 Patients

  • Visitors/support persons will not be permitted in rooms or on the unit of patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who are under investigation for COVID-19. Be assured that hospital staff will assist loved ones to remain closely connected with these patients and their treatment teams through virtual means including FaceTime and phone.

Emergency Departments

Emergency Departments: Visitors Limited to Help Stop the Spread of Infection

  • For the health and safety of all occupants in the hospital; one support person may accompany each patient.
  • Exceptions will be made for those accompanying minors, those who have cognitive impairment or dementia, and other circumstances as identified by the treating physician after the patient has been evaluated.
  • All support persons must be healthy individuals who follow the mask policy.
  • If you are currently diagnosed with COVID-19 or have other respiratory symptoms, and are not receiving Emergency care for yourself, please ask someone else to accompany the patient.

Outpatient/Same Day Appointments

  • Visitors/support persons accompanying patients for ambulatory, procedural, and other outpatient testing will be permitted to wait in assigned waiting areas within the hospitals. At the conclusion of the procedure/test, one visitor/support person may participate in discharge instructions and assistance with discharge.

Surgical Procedures

  • For patients presenting to our hospitals for surgical procedures, one support person may be permitted to remain with the patient prior to and immediately after operative procedures. They will be permitted to wait in assigned waiting areas within the hospitals during the procedure.

Excela Health Medical Group Physician Offices

  • One visitor/support person may accompany patients during a visit in EHMG offices.